Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Bournemouth School, we provide a happy and supportive environment, enabling both staff and students to maintain a positive daily attitude. We recognise the importance of a healthy mind and how this helps everyone attend school and strive towards achieving academic and personal goals. We are proactive in supporting every individual within our school community maintain their mental health.

As well as direct support for students, the school has developed a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing which includes staff training, a robust mentoring system, 1:1 support sessions with a mental health teaching assistant,  parental support and links with local children and young people’s mental health services.

In school support for students

  • All staff receive regular training so they are able to spot concerns regarding a deterioration in a child’s well-being and mental health at an early stage
  • Mental Health Teaching Assistants


Want out of school support to help yourself, a friend or your child maintain a positive mental health?

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If you are experience mental health problems and you would prefer to speak to someone outside of school, or school isn’t open to help you, the following websites have people available 24/7.