Newton and Turner Senior Prefect teams were delighted to welcome Amanda Gillett, community fundraiser for Julia’s House back into school today, to hand over the results their recent charity week. With a wide variety of events they raised an impressive £6,970.
The two main events that took place were a 21-mile swim undertaken by Newton House prefects in the pool at Stokewood Leisure Centre (to reflect the distance to France) and a Year 7 and 8 disco: the prefects are very grateful to Mr Chung for being DJ for this event. Other events included a bake sale, a tuck shop, a “Family Fortunes” style competition that pitted the mathematics and science departments against each other, football competitions and a “sponge the teacher” event.
The prefects would like to thank all the students who participated in these events, whether baking or buying cakes and sweets, playing football or throwing cold, wet sponges at their favourite teachers.
Grateful thanks also go to Tesco for also supporting the charity week through a prefect who is one of their employees.