Working in Partnership

Working in Partnership

A partnership between the school, parents and students based upon mutual trust, respect and understanding is key to enabling all students realise their potential within a positive and safe school community.

The school commits to:

  • provide a curriculum which meets the needs of all students;
  • inform parents regularly of their child’s progress and attendance;
  • ensure that every child feels that they are a valued member of the school community;
  • care for the well-being and safety of every student;
  • develop and maintain clear lines of communication;
  • encourage success and recognise effort and achievement;
  • treat parents and students with courtesy and respect;
  • promote the highest expectations of conduct and achievement to ensure students continually strive to fulfil their potential;
  • provide a range of opportunities which allow your child to develop and grow academically and personally.

The parent commits to:

  • ensure that my child attends school daily and is on time;
  • ensure that my child is properly equipped;
  • follow the communication process for contacting staff;
  • support the school’s behaviour policy, uniform code and use of sanctions;
  • attend parents’ evenings, information evenings and meetings to discuss their child’s progress;
  • avoid taking holidays during the school term;
  • monitor the use of the internet at home, especially social media sites or apps;
  • treat staff with courtesy and respect;
  • read the newsletter to keep in touch with school events and issues;
  • encourage and allow my child to be responsible for their learning;
  • work constructively and cooperatively with the school to resolve any concerns about attendance, punctuality, behaviour or progress.

The student commits to being:

•   Attend all lessons punctually, fully equipped and in school uniform
•   Demonstrate a positive attitude to learning
•   Make the most of extra-curricular opportunities
•   Accept all challenges and seek help when needed
•   Complete all work to the best of our ability

•   Be respectful to all members of the school community
•   Take pride in ourselves and be ambitious
•   Support the school community in eliminating low level disruption
•   Treat the school environment and the property of others with respect

•   Behave with consideration at all times
•   Use mobile devices appropriately
•   Report any incidents of bullying immediately